Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Four Hours, Three Titans and Tremendous Training

On Monday evening I attended the Abundance 2008 Tour for Agel Enterprises, which featured their filed leaders Eric Worre, Randy Gage and Randy Schroeder. These three titans of the network marketing industry represent more than sixty years of collective experience in the industry and in excess of forty million dollars in earnings. During this four hour training program for leaders in Agel, the presenters opened their minds and there hearts, educated and inspired everyone in attendance.

Following are a few golden nuggets I gleaned from the conference:

I. Being a Network Marketing Professional

1. Keep your full time job: Being a professional in the MLM industry does not mean that you have quit your primary job and are now "full time" in the network marketing industry. Being a professional in the industry simply means that you conduct yourself in a manner consistent with certain characteristics.
By remaining employed you continue to be in circulation, exposed to new people on a continual basis.

Becoming full time in MLM prematurely can result in negative financial pressure and a loss of posture.

You want to demonstrate leverage in your income, which can best be done by multiplying your current income, not by merely replacing your full time income.

2. Spend 10-15 hours each week engaged in "rain maker" activities. Growth occurs when you enroll a new member or duplication occurs within your team. Focus your efforts on making presentations to new candidates for your business.

3. Time Block your day in order to remain focused on rainmaker activities as follows:

4. Maintain a candidate list

5. Step back to allow your candidates to see your opportunity and not you

6. Learn to invite in a manner that utilizes third party tools

7. Validate your message through three way calls or another tool

Tip - Journal your time for a few weeks and discover how your time is spend and make adjustments accordingly

II. Five Essential Skill Sets

1. Learn to meet people "network" to build and refresh your candidates list daily

2. Learn to invite prospects to view third party tools or to attend an event effectively

3. Learn to present your opportunity effectively

4. Learn to follow up effectively and be disciplined to follow up with consistency

5. Develop yourself as a leader. From the moment you sponsor your first person be a leader

III. Road Map to Becoming a Pro

1. Acquire knowledge and the skills you need to become more, so that you will earn more this is Learned Knowledge

2. Acquire skills learned by taking action, this is Activity Knowledge

3. Find someone who is successful doing what you seek to do and model what they do, this is Modeling Knowledge

4. You always learn more through the process of teaching, this is Teaching Knowledge

IV. Three Emotional Stages

Understand that there are three emotional stages you can access and use as a foundation from which you can launch your MLM business to higher levels of satisfaction, wealth and significance:

1. Faith - See it before the rest of the world sees it by imagining the outcome so clearly that it becomes real

2. Hope - Crystallizes your imagination

3. Belief - The secret is to do everything possible to exude belief even if you haven't fully gotten there yet. You have a huge responsibility when we meet with a candidate or lead your team

You can download my weekly Prosperity Mindset call from iTunes or from my Podcast Home Page at:

(c) Copyright 2008 James A. Holmes. All Rights Reserved.


James Holmes, Global Team Builder, Coach and Trainer, combining online and offline techniques to help you grow your business. To request a free 30 minute consultation contact James by phone at 303-523-9503 or email at

Note: If you’d like to reprint this article on your blog or in your newsletter you have permission to do so as long as the copyright information and the resource box above remains with the article.


Please feel free to leave your comments below. I’d love to read your thoughts on this article, as well as what tips and strategies YOU would most like to learn.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Masses are Marching to Financial Peril Blinded by False Information

As you prospect you are sure to discover that many people are not aware of the dangers associated with relying solely on their 401K and Social Security to provide a reasonable quality of life into retirement. When I meet with a new candidate for my primary MLM business, I always dig beneath the surface to fully understand their financial position in order to uncover gaps that we can help them bridge through a home based business. What I have discovered is troubling; many people are leaving their long term security to chance and are blinded by false information about how much it will cost them to retire successfully baring unforeseen expenses such as long term medical care, a market crash effecting their 401K or other catastrophic event.

I. The masses are marching to financial peril blinded by false Information

1. The old model on how to create financial security into retirement no longer applies.
2. The world is changing due to layoffs, outsourcing, 9/11, stock market losses, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, etc.
3. Social Security when envisioned had 7.1 workers paying in the system for every 1 receiving benefits with a life expectancy of 7 years in retirement. By 2028 there will only be 2.5workers paying in the system for every 1 receiving benefits with a life expectancy of 17 years in retirement. The system was not designed to address this reality.

So how can network marketing solve the problem?

II. Healing the Blind

Two of the most powerful principles of the “prosperity mindset” when applied to helping others face reality are 1) Exposing truth in a way that becomes self evident with the mindset that you want to help others find solutions. 2) Accepting the moral obligation that you must provide an answer if you believe you have one.

1. Exposing truth in a way that becomes self evident with the mindset that you want to help others find solutions; so often when we prospect in network marketing we approach the prospect with our notion of what our business “should mean” to them.

2. Accepting the moral obligation that you must provide an answer if you believe you have one A.) Makes your mission to build your network marketing business not about you – at least not exclusively about you. B.) Supports the best aspect of the network marketing industry, which is helping others create leverage in their lives.

So here is a question for you: “If you truly believe that the network marketing business you are in has a product or service that benefits people, a compensation plan that allows new members to make money quickly and has the high probability of sustaining residual income for a decade or more; do you treat the opportunity like a real business and seek to understand where your prospect is in their lives, which will allow you to connect with them on a deeper level?”


If you have a down-line team duplicating these mindset principles you will create a greater number of enrollments within your team as your team recognizes the value of having a clear vision and respect for the process.

Here are 5 actions you should take to educate yourself and become empowered you heal those blinded by false information

1. Seek out those who have achieved what you intend to create and honor their accomplishments.

2. Invest in growing your knowledge including the economic factors present in the lives of your prospects.

3. Teach these principles to your down-line, so that they become part of the culture of your team.

4. Spend the first ½ of your prospect meeting drawing out your prospects financial position and laying the foundation for bridging gaps through your opportunity.

5. Expose truth and offer solutions that are real for the prospect.

III. Seeking those blinded by false information as you go along your way

My discovery of these truths played out during a consultation with a client when we discovered that despite her dedication for more than 25 years to her employer, her diligent investment into her 401K and exceptional performance reviews; the future is not certain as she will need to create an additional $20,000 in annual income to meet her stated goal to retire in 10 years.

The rules have changed and we must adapt our strategies to better address the challenges faced by the declining reliance on Social Security, increased health care cost, outsourcing in the workplace and volatile financial markets.

The Power of Taking Action

“My intention is to sow increase into the lives of others by creating wealth and abundance. My intention is to first impact 10,000 lives and then to see those ten thousand duplicate to impact a million lives. I intend to create wealth and abundance sow this to achieve significance.”

What are your intentions?

To hear my podcast on this subject go to

If you would like to receive a free copy of my prospecting guide titled “Three Simple Questions” send me an email at and I will send you a copy.

(c) Copyright 2008 James A. Holmes. All Rights Reserved.


James Holmes, Global Team Builder, Coach and Trainer, combining online and offline techniques to help you grow your business. To request a free 30 minute consultation contact James by phone at 303-523-9503 or email at

Note: If you’d like to reprint this article on your blog or in your newsletter you have permission to do so as long as the copyright information and the resource box above remains with the article.


Please feel free to leave your comments below. I’d love to read your thoughts on this article, as well as what tips and strategies YOU would most like to learn.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Prospecting In Your Full-Time Career

The beauty of network marketing is that everyone you meet may have a gap in their life that your opportunity might close. The great majority of individuals working in network marketing build their businesses part-time while maintaining their full-time careers. So often the opportunities to prospect for network marketing appear while working full-time and knowing the proper path to respectfully presenting your opportunity is a practiced art.

This week I was consulting with a new client and his financial advisor, I was there to consult on a real estate matter. Taking a very broad view of his current financial position and retirement plans it became apparent that our client has an income gap that my primary network marketing opportunity can easily fill approximately $2,000 per month. So the question is how do I preserve my good will with the client as a real estate professional while exposing our client to my opportunity.

Here are practical tips to ensure you successfully expose your opportunity and maintain your posture professionally.

1. Reaffirm that you are still committed to your profession so that they still view you as a resource for the product or service you offer in your full-time endeavors.

For example: "Sue, I want you to know that I am still committed to the real estate business; however, I am calling you today to discuss a new business venture that I have embarked on that I am really excited about and that I want to share with you."

2. Connect to their gaps and build a bridge between your professional relationship and the introduction of your opportunity.

3. Be very specific when presenting how your opportunity can close the gap and how they can succeed by working with you.

4. Help your prospect see the value of creating multiple streams of income and share the opinions of leading financial minds such as Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Allen, Donald Trump among others. All of these titans advocate for the value of network marketing.

Often the difference between a job well done and going the extra mile to add value beyond expectation for your clients and associates may require you to step beyond your comfort zone and open a door to share your opportunity. If you truly believe that you have a valuable gift to share, I do not know why you would do anything else.

(c) Copyright 2008 James A. Holmes. All Rights Reserved.


James Holmes, Global Team Builder, Coach and Trainer, combining online and offline techniques to help you grow your business. To request a free 30 minute consultation contact James by phone at 303-523-9503 or email at

Note: If you’d like to reprint this article on your blog or in your newsletter you have permission to do so as long as the copyright information and the resource box above remains with the article.


Please feel free to leave your comments below. I’d love to read your thoughts on this article, as well as what tips and strategies YOU would most like to learn.