Friday, December 28, 2007

The Key to Achievement is Your Subconscious Mind

I have been drawn to a mission that incorporates my business interest and my desire to sow increase into the lives of others. I created leverage by partnering with many of the most successful individuals and organizations in the fields human mindset, wealth creation and network marketing; the result is the creation of "The Optimum Wealth System," which is the platform for my vision. My mission is to help individuals achieve their objectives set for themselves within network marketing and beyond.

Mindset Fact: While people believe objectively that they can achieve a certain thing; often they subconsciously believe they cannot. If you didn't meet 25% (or more) of your goals for 2007, it is because your subconscious would not allow you to do so. Your subconscious beliefs are your deepest convictions of who you think you are - this is undeniable, the proof is in your life abundance or lack.

Three Reasons Why People Fail:

1. They make a conscious decision not to invest enough time.

2. They allow people or circumstances to steal their focus.

3. Their conscious mind is not in agreement with their sub-conscious mind.

To learn more visit: and download the Free E-Book and MP3Audio I have placed there for you.

Use the Amazon Books Search Link on my blog for great discounts on these books

"Become A Better You" - Joel Osteen

"The Master Key System" - Charles Hannal

"This Thing Called You" - Earnest Holmes

Coaching, Training and Tools at The Warriors Nest

(c) Copyright 2008 James A. Holmes. All Rights Reserved.


James Holmes, Global Team Builder, Coach and Trainer, combining online and offline techniques to help you grow your business. To request a free 30 minute consultation contact James by phone at 303-523-9503 or email at

Note: If you’d like to reprint this article on your blog or in your newsletter you have permission to do so as long as the copyright information and the resource box above remains with the article.


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