Friday, May 22, 2009

The YouTube Slap: Part 2

By now you have heard about the “YouTube Slap,” which has resulted in YouTube In part 2 of my 3 part series called “YouTube Slap Survival Guide.”For more back ground see my HUB Page by visiting “How to Survive the YouTube Slap, Build Your Brand and Create Lasting Results,” you can also review YouTubes policies by visiting YouTube “terms of service”

As an experienced YouTube user you know the value gained by posting relevant content, participating in the community, viewing other’s videos and posting comments, and have likely grown your following organically as a result of the value you bring. If you are like me you also had no idea that having more than one account could put your entire YouTube strategy at risk.

To read the complete article go to:

YouTube Slap Survival Guide Part 2: The New YouTube User

(c) Copyright 2008-2009 James A. Holmes. All Rights Reserved.


James Holmes, Global Team Builder, Coach and Trainer, combining online and offline techniques to help you grow your business. To request a free 30 minute consultation contact James by phone at 303-523-9503 or email at


Note: If you’d like to reprint this article on your blog or in your newsletter you have permission to do so as long as the copyright information and the resource box above remains with the article.


The YouTube Slap: Part 1

I posted a HUB Page titled “How to Survive the YouTube Slap, Build Your Brand and Create Lasting Results,” which received more that 100 page views within hours of be published. It has been interesting to watch the fallout from YouTube’s decision to more aggressively enforce their “terms of service” policies resulting in the closure of several accounts, including a few big name internet marketers.

I have decided to share the key content from my HUB Page on this blog and I am doing so by breaking the article into three parts to specifically address the your needs based on your level of experience using You Tube.

To read the complete article go to:

YouTube Slap Survival Guide Part 1: The New YouTube User

(c) Copyright 2008-2009 James A. Holmes. All Rights Reserved.


James Holmes, Global Team Builder, Coach and Trainer, combining online and offline techniques to help you grow your business. To request a free 30 minute consultation contact James by phone at 303-523-9503 or email at


Note: If you’d like to reprint this article on your blog or in your newsletter you have permission to do so as long as the copyright information and the resource box above remains with the article.


I Have Created A New Site For Your Inspiration

I have been an admirer of Sir Winston S. Churchill for more than 25 years, I have learned a tremendous amount about life by his example. I have been searching for a way to share some of what I have learned and determined the best method for doing this would be through sharing his quotes.

By signing up to receive “Churchill 365 Daily Quotes” you will receive one email each day for the next 365 days featuring one quote from Winston Churchill. I trust that you will find the exploration of Churchill’s written and spoken words inspiring.

Go to and sign up to get your daily quote.