Success in network marketing requires one to learn new skills and broaden our understanding of mindset and human behavior. The rewards are substantial as the industry will pay you more as you become more. One of the many wonderful things about our industry is the fact that everyone starts with a clean slate and equal opportunity to create wealth and time freedom - regardless of past experience, accomplishments, successes and failures.
A willingness to be coached is essential to learning the skills required to build a large organization creating duplication within your team. As you grow to a position of leadership within your team you must transfer what you have learned to others and teach them to do the same. Recognizing three core mindsets that exist among most everyone you enroll will help you to determine who is coach able and how to manage those who are not.
Here are three core mindsets:
Get Rich Quick - Approximately 70% of individuals who enter the industry. They are short term thinkers and will not invest the time or energy required to be successful unless they see an immediate return or instant riches. They become MLM gamers jumping from program to program typically expecting something big with very little effort.
Alpha Type - Approximately 3% of individuals who enter the industry. If you can coach them effectively, they can become superstar players on your team because they have amazing posture, strong mindset, commitment to excellence and a burning desire to win. These are mega personalities; however, the downside is that their efforts are not duplicatable, they may not follow the system and may attempt to recreate the system.
True Blue - Approximately 27% of individuals who enter the industry. If you build a team of true blue team members they will become the heart and sole of your organization, these are the people you should seek to attract to your team. These individuals are dedicated to the cause, part-time in the business and desire to earn a few thousand dollars a month, they are honest and hard working.
As you build a large organization you will encounter all three types, which cannot be avoided and should therefore be embraced. Seek first to be coached and then share your new found knowledge with your team. Recognize that your stars may arise from each mindset group depending upon what they become, which is more important than what they are at the time you enroll them into your team.
For tips on coaching the three core mindsets contact James Holmes and request your free report by
(c) Copyright 2008 James A. Holmes. All Rights Reserved.
James Holmes, Global Team Builder, Coach and Trainer, combining online and offline techniques to help you grow your business. To request a free 30 minute consultation contact James by phone at 303-523-9503 or email at
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