Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Game Plan for Success in Network Marketing

You are reading this blog post because you are a doer in life or you at least recognize that you want to be. Successful people read blog post and mastermind with other successful people.

I. In order to manifest your highest desires in your business you must internalize a clear vision for your business and life

Recognize that if you have a clear vision you can tilt the laws of the universe in your favor and attract the people, circumstances and resources required to manifest your vision in your life .
It is not necessary to know how you will achieve your vision – a good way of knowing you have a “big enough” vision is not knowing how you are going to achieve it.

In order to remain focused on your vision, it is highly recommended that you write it down – put it on paper and carry it with you.

II. Your Mindset Trumps Everything Else

1. Because you bring your mindset to every task, encounter, plan in your business – it is more important than any other factor.
2. Do you understand the battle between the conscious and sub-conscious mind?
3. Leverage your vision with your mindset.

So here is a question for you: “Are you interested in your business or committed to your business?”

People who are interested in their business will do what is convenient

People who are committed to their business will so what is required


If you have a down-line team duplicating these mindset principles you will create a greater number of enrollments within your team as your team recognizes the value of having a clear vision and respect for the process.

Here are 5 actions you should take to create a clear vision and model the right behavior in your team.

1. Start with a vision of your life and 80 – start with the end in mind. What does your life look like? Who are the people in your life? Where do you live? How do you spend your time? How much money do you have? What causes are you’re participating in or supporting financially?
2. Create a vision board or write down a clear vision for the next 90 days, then one year and finally a set of objectives for three to five years.
3. Put together a written action plan for accomplishing your objectives and focus on the “type” of people, circumstances and resources you will need to attract.
4. Focus every day on the right actions day to day (daily disciplines) that you will need to master to ensure a predictable outcome.
5. Be accountable to your vision and course correct as you move ahead to manifesting your vision. Find a mentor or coach to help you through this process.

My question for you is; “When opportunities present themselves are you positioned to grow your business?”

Always scout for potential leaders in your business
Expose your business and do not be emotionally tied to the outcome
Being consistent in follow up
Possessing the posture that ensure them that you know where you are going and that they will succeed with you

If you would like to receive a free copy of my prospecting guide titled “Three Simple Questions” send me an email at and I will send you a copy.

IV. Take Action Today

Here are 5 actions you should take today to grow your prosperity mindset.

1. Make a decision that you are going to seek prosperity and that you are willing to take responsibility to respect what you seek to possess.
2. Recognize that you can attract the people, resources and opportunities needed to manifest everything that you desire in life.
3. Seek out mentors and coaching so that you can learn to model prosperity in your life.
4. Learn to Master Mind in the manner expressed by Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon Hill. 5. Master Mind with others who are committed to a shared vision of prosperity and support one another in a unique way.
5. Give thanks always. A heart of gratitude will produce a mindset of gratitude and you will attract more to be grateful for everyday.

(c) Copyright 2008 James A. Holmes. All Rights Reserved.


James Holmes, Global Team Builder, Coach and Trainer, combining online and offline techniques to help you grow your business. To request a free 30 minute consultation contact James by phone at 303-523-9503 or email at

Note: If you’d like to reprint this article on your blog or in your newsletter you have permission to do so as long as the copyright information and the resource box above remains with the article.


Please feel free to leave your comments below. I’d love to read your thoughts on this article, as well as what tips and strategies YOU would most like to learn.

Winning Mindset Concepts for Network Marketers

Success in network marketing (and in all aspects of your life) can be predicted based on your subconscious beliefs or what I call mindset. In order for others to believe they can win with you it is critical that you possess the firm belief that you are a winner and that you will win and that you can help others win, especially within your warm market. I acknowledge that we all may be starting from a different place when evaluating our mindset; know this, what you do not have today you can develop and become more. Life has a way of rewarding you based on what you become, not based upon what you start with.

Regardless of your present state rich or broke, happy or sad, fit or unfit, is entirely up to you and your present mindset. Once you really harness the power of this concept you will become empowered to create change. Come to a place of understanding that you are “worth it” and vote yourself in. Learn to like yourself and learn how to become a more authentic you. Many are operating somewhat apart from our full potential based on learned beliefs and behaviors that are often limiting as a result of past failures or beliefs instilled in us from childhood. Once you lean (or relearn) that having a positive self image or ego is a good thing, you will become empowered to positively impact others.

Basic Mindset Concepts:
  1. Everyone is self-made, not just successful people. The only equality that you and I share with other people is opportunity, not Power.
  2. Never leave your life to chance. Bury the words, "I will just have to see what happens" from your consciousness
  3. Become a “Yes-Yes” person. Is your reflex response to opportunity to say yes or to say no?
  4. Do you believe you deserve to be successful?
  5. Shift from a scarcity mindset to a prosperity mindset.
Recognize this simple law:

“To the extent that man resists HIMSELF and his Alpha Nature is to the extent and proportion that he is ruled by OTHER people. Period.”

What you argue for you always get to keep.

Are You Cause or Effect?

Based on what you have learned, what actions are you willing to take to create the life you want and deserve?

Do you believe you are a co-creator of your life?

(c) Copyright 2008 James A. Holmes. All Rights Reserved.


James Holmes, Global Team Builder, Coach and Trainer, combining online and offline techniques to help you grow your business. To request a free 30 minute consultation contact James by phone at 303-523-9503 or email at

Note: If you’d like to reprint this article on your blog or in your newsletter you have permission to do so as long as the copyright information and the resource box above remains with the article.


Please feel free to leave your comments below. I’d love to read your thoughts on this article, as well as what tips and strategies YOU would most like to learn.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

We have been given a faculty of God - Creative Intelligence

Creative intelligence separates us from the animal kingdom, as one would observe any animal and come to the conclusion that animals are controlled by their environment unlike men who have dominion to change their environment and have done so throughout creation. Here is the puzzling reality; most people choose to live within their circumstances by allowing what they do not have to control there thoughts, their time and their desires.

How does this happen? Here are seven steps to doom that many have followed:

1. Grow up being told what you are not or what you cannot do
2. Go to middle school and be told at all cost just fit in
3. Start following the follower – you sign up for “follow ship”
4. You agree with society that you will not learn creative thought – it’s not taught
5. Go to high school and repeat steps 2-4
6. You are now 30 or 40 years old carrying around “ego” with a sub-servant mindset

Joe Schroeder master mindset trainer and creator of the funded proposal; has just released a profound new training program entitled “Super-Mind,” which delves into the study and retraining of the sub-conscious mind. Joe Schroeder is an intellectual descendant of Charles Haanel - “The Master Key,” Wallace Delois Wattles – “The Science of Getting Rich” and Napoleon Hill – “Think & Grow Rich.

“Until your experienced reality changes, you do not change.” - Joe Schroeder

Here are seven steps to rearrange your experienced reality:

1. For one week “never” answer your phone (spouse and children are excluded from this, they may really need you). Don’t freak out! You are going to let the calls roll to voice mail and return them when you choose to call beck. This is a small step to taking control of your time

2. Don’t give away your temper. Monitor your temper and remember that what you argue for you get to keep. Think about that statement and own it; what you argue for you get to keep

3. Rehearse love and give it to people who were not nice to you and to strangers. This is exercising grace

4. Study how successful and influential people think. You will discover that the rich and powerful did not become wealthy doing certain things they became rich and powerful doing certain things in a certain way, in a certain order

5. Accumulate a new experienced reality through study and change your self image

6. Erase frustration and anxiety from your life. The next time the less evolved part of yourself wants sometime you don’t need or have and wants it now; ask why do I need something that I can easily live without?

7. For the next three days:
  • Do not tell anyone about anything that you do not have, meaning no more complaining
  • Remember, the only reason people walk around worrying about what they do not have is because they do not appreciate what they do have
  • You will never earn more than what you speak about (check your self talk)
  • Locate people who have found the truth (the hidden order) or perfected what you want to achieve and learn how they think.
Why do some excel to amazing heights with there results and other flounder even when given the same opportunities and often possessing superior talent? It evident everywhere; same company, same business, same opportunity, different results. This is what I teach and this is how I can sow increase into your life. A great place to start is by taking Joe Schroeder’sSuper-Mind” Training introductory course.

I am looking for 5 people who would like to become exceptional doers through personal coaching and exploration of the mindset of high achievers. Connect with me and our system and let me show you how to be more, so more and have more.

To learn more about Joe Schroeder's "Super-Mind Course" obtain a free overview and a few sample pages of the book CLICK HERETo purchase the $97 "Super-Mind" course which includes 2 Audio CDs and a massive workbook CLICK HERE

I would like to offer two gifts to you:

A free copy of my book “Three Simple Questions”
A free set of sample pages of Joe Schroeder’s newest training series “Super-Mind

(c) Copyright 2008 James A. Holmes. All Rights Reserved.


James Holmes, Global Team Builder, Coach and Trainer, combining online and offline techniques to help you grow your business. To request a free 30 minute consultation contact James by phone at 303-523-9503 or email at

Note: If you’d like to reprint this article on your blog or in your newsletter you have permission to do so as long as the copyright information and the resource box above remains with the article.


Please feel free to leave your comments below. I’d love to read your thoughts on this article, as well as what tips and strategies YOU would most like to learn.