If you read the stories of nearly anyone who has achieved success in life you will note a common theme; life comes down to decisions made in quiet moments and the actions that followed. I recently had an opportunity to spend some time with a GIANT in the network marketing industry. This is a man who has earns $100,000 per week and has built two down lines of one-million dollars. He failed at MLM on more that one occasion before he cracked the code and what he has and will continue teaching me, I am determined to share with you.
I want to share ten lessons that I learned from him and I believe if you really comprehend what is said here you will transform your business and indeed your life.
Lesson # 1.
The wealthy don’t get rich by doing certain things. The people on top get that way because they are doing certain things in a certain way, which is often invisible to the naked eye.
Lesson #2.
Somewhere in your line of work, somewhere, someone is doing what you do ten times easier and making four times what you are. The obvious conclusion then is to locate that person, ascertain what they are doing, lose your ego and quadruple your income. How? By doing exactly what they are.
Lesson #3.
When you’re ego gets ahead of your ambition and you always have to be right, at the expense of your income, you are pretty much a cooked goose. The game is over before it even actually ever begins.
Lesson #4.
It takes eight to ten hours a day to work yourself in a rutt or to work yourself into earning $10,000 per week. Same day, same clock, same elbow grease. It’s just a choice between smart work and being content.
Lesson #5.
It takes the same amount of energy to sell a $1,000 widget as it does a widget by another name that sells for $100. Same energy.
Lesson #6.
People who are embarrassed by money or too cool to ask for the big bucks are employed by those who are not.
Lesson #7.
The working poor stop earning income at 5 PM or whenever they stop working. The wealthy earn all day, everyday and when they are tired at the end of the day they still are earning money because they have other people making sales as well. That simple.
Lesson #8.
You’re allowed to have more than one job and it’s alright to earn $10,000 per week and to those that think what they started doing as work in their early twenties believe this is the only means of income they can make, I feel sorry for them.
Lesson #9.
People who ASK for little get little. People who ASK for much get allot. Your better is located in your best and your plenty is located in all you can do. Are you doing ALL you can?
Lesson #10.
You can get anyone to buy pretty much anything as long as you make it easy for them to get started.
I was spellbound and wanted to learn more. He sent me a small book called "The Mechanics of Wealth" along with permission to share the book with others. If you would like a free copy of the book simply contact me and I will send it to you. Remember that the key success is your mindset.
(c) Copyright 2008 James A. Holmes. All Rights Reserved.
James Holmes, Global Team Builder, Coach and Trainer, combining online and offline techniques to help you grow your business. To request a free 30 minute consultation contact James by phone at 303-523-9503 or email at james@AskJamesHolmes.com
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